commentary: Political Correctness in Spades (Part Six)

John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 24-Sep-16; Sermon #1342c; 10 minutes


I have been following various angles regarding conspiracies since the late 1960s. I was hesitant at accepting the concepts of the overwhelming majority of them at first simply because my involvement in them was from a distance rather than from within any of them. It wasn’t until it was proved to me from the Bible that conspiracies are a reality, swirling around our lives at almost any given time, that I really accepted their existence as a reality. A clear example from within Scripture is that Jesus’ crucifixion resulted from a successfully executed conspiracy.

At some time during the first half of the 1970s, I was given a copy of a book titled Dance With the Devil, authored by a German man whose name I have forgotten. But the book had within it another piece of the picture I needed to help understand what in the world is going on. The theme of this book had no documentation to support its points of persuasion, but rather told a story that anybody fairly familiar with the Bible and having a believing knowledge of God’s purpose and governance of the earth would perceive. The author had some of that.

The term “dance” in the book’s title reveals the author’s theme. "Dance" indicates a close relationship. In a dance, one person leads and the partner follows. In this book’s theme, Satan leads and mankind cooperates by being led by his leadership.

In the book’s plot, Satan has a fully developed staff of fellow demons answering to him, but all the while invisibly maneuvering mankind to follow their deceptions, their conspiracies, against God’s purpose and man’s best interests.

Perhaps most important to Satan’s success through the ages is his ability to deceive. He deceives very often through the manipulation of language, our major tool of communication. As Jesus says in John 8, he is a liar from the beginning. By lying, he slays because when we accept his manipulations and follow his counsel, we sin and the wages of sin is death. It is very beneficial to be alert and cautiously thinking regarding him. Accepting the teachings of political correctness leads to sin.

I have already given you six "politically correct" teachings. Each of them is a tool to gain people’s support for governmental programs that increases the powers of the present government. A politically correct teaching is a broad statement that can easily be accepted by some with emotional attachments that lean in the direction of the false statement. But when examined honestly with understanding, the teaching is false right on its face. I go back to what I mentioned at the very beginning of this series: Brethren, the red barn is not blue as any clear thinking person can see.

Here is another politically correct demand the administration wants us to accept. It is that we Americans must embrace all illegal immigration as “compassionate," while at the same time strongly opposing national border security.

I am going to give you a bit of biblical wisdom here as an example. Have you ever noticed that in the Promised Land, after Israel secured it under Joshua, God clearly established clear boundaries even between the various tribes who were all members of the same family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? God wants boundaries—do you understand that?—between nations for the sake of peace! Every one of them was descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

One of the best ways of maintaining peace was to keep families of people with different characteristics separated from each other, even though each Israelite tribe was by blood and DNA related to each other. That is God’s wisdom.

Do you remember when God brought Eve to Adam? What did Adam say? He understood. He says, "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother." A new family was going to be established by marriage. Adam understood that there has to be a separation.

God separated the families of Noah from each other in Babylon. The wisdom of President Obama, on the other hand, and the Democratic administration and all the business interests in partnership with them in this open borders movement, is creating its fruit of violence, social chaos and economic hardship, which incidentally is exactly what the people who are leading this want. They don't want peace.

Political correctness says that we are to welcome all illegals and grant them legal immunity in sanctuary cities even as some illegals commit mass murder, rapes, robberies, and looting. Here is something that ought to be on your mind—a vivid picture: Look at what happened in Europe when they opened the gates to the refugees. The Europeans were invaded!

Here in the United States, we are expected to dismiss the truth that illegal, uninsured drivers are causing many scores of accidents every single day mostly across California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Just shut your eyes to it.

This is interesting: I read a very interesting statistic the other day issued by the government of Norway, another Israelitish nation that this Beast power, open borders lie has been forced on. Some time ago, normal Norwegian citizens began seeing the light, so they manipulated a change in their government’s program. They began deporting Muslims already jailed for offenses. I have no idea where they sent them.

The government now reports that crime has dropped 70% since they began the program. The point in all this is that the leadership of the nations has ulterior motives for their programs so they, like their leader Satan, devise clever lies to hide their real intent.


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