sermonette: Beware the Leaven

Mike Ford
Given 30-May-20; Sermon #1546s; 20 minutes

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The Jews establishes a fixed date for Shavuot in contradiction to the instruction provided in the Scriptures for counting to the Feast of Weeks (as at Leviticus 23:15-16). Treating man-made tradition (which is the deadly leaven of the Pharisees) as tantamount to God's law accounts for this discrepancy. The apostles and even the contemporary Jewish leaders kept the Scripturally-mandated day (Acts 20:16), but the rabbis abandoned the Torah-commanded counting, replacing it with a fixed date around 70 A.D. Still later rabbis codified the Mishna (study notes from the oral interpretation of the law) as the Talmud, elevating it to the status of Scripture. In a more modern setting, the Mormon's elevation of the Book of Mormon to scriptural status is tantamount to the rabbis' actions centuries earlier. Some in the Church of God have mistakenly exalted The Mystery of the Ages and even Guard the Truth to a status far higher than intended by their respective authors. God's people must recognize the vast difference between God's law and manmade tradition.


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